Well protected
The Unesco rules for biosphere reserves are strict, and permit only sustainable cultivation of the land, and the facility’s energy supply relies entirely on the renewable resources of solar and wind.
Good looking
The laurel forest has been officially protected by Unesco since 1983, and offers a real jungle experience. The Caldera de Taburiente lies at the feet of the Roque de los Muchachos, and is considered to be the Canary lslands’ very own Grand Canyon. For those more interested in other worlds, a visit to the world-famous »Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos« is to be recommended. The »Boys’ Mountain« is actually all of 2,426 metres high, so you need a stout pair of shoes. That also applies to all the trails in this world-famous dream spot for walkers and hikers. But La Palma has plenty to offer for those who prefer flippers to boots. The diving spots are really beautiful, with largely unspoilt flora and fauna.